Alabado sea el Señor Joel 2:19 The Lord answered his people

Alabado sea el Señor
 Joel 2:19
 The Lord answered his people

Video: The Lord answered his people
Here I send you the wheat the new wine and the oil
and you will have enough of it
I will not do more than you a reproach among the nations

Joel 2:19 The Lord answered his people
Here I send you the wheat the new wine and the oil
and you will have enough of it
I will not do more than you a reproach among the nations

From Joel 2:21
Earth, Do not be afraid
but cheer up and rejoice,
because the Lord has done great things.
You, sons of Zion, rejoice,
rejoice in the Lord your God,
because it gives you rain in just the right amount,
for you it brings down the water,
autumn and spring rain, as in the past.
The farmyard will be filled with wheat
and the vats will overflow with must and oil.
You will eat in abundance, to satiety,
and you will praise the name of the Lord your God,
that has done wonders among you.
You will recognize that I am in the middle of Israel,
and that I am the Lord your God,
and there are no others:
no more shame for my people.

Joel 2:19 El Señor respondió a su pueblo.
Aquí te envío el trigo, el vino nuevo y el aceite.
y tendrás suficiente
Ya no te reprocharé entre las naciones

De Joel 2:21
Tierra no tengas miedo
alégrate y gózate,
Porque el Señor ha hecho grandes cosas.....
....Tú, hijos de Sión, regocíjate,
regocíjate en el Señor tu Dios,
porque te da la lluvia en la cantidad correcta,
trae agua para ti,
Lluvia de otoño y primavera, como en el pasado.
El corral estará lleno de trigo.
y las cubas rebosarán de mosto y aceite.
Comerás en abundancia, en saciedad,
y alabarás el nombre de Jehová tu Dios,
El ha hecho maravillas entre vosotros.
Reconocerás que estoy en medio de Israel,
y que yo soy el Señor tu Dios,
y no hay otros
y nunca jamás será avergonzado mi pueblo.